“A Just Idea of the Creator”

There are two reasons to appreciate the quote from Basil.  First, he recognizes the role of the natural world in informing our imagination so that we are able to think appropriately about God.   The Scriptures are full of the imagery of the visible to help us grasp the invisible. Part of the problem why modern Christians are not able to worship God with the same piousness and sentiment as David is that we are insulated from the beauty of nature God has given to us to show forth His glory and majesty.   Above us, the skies are chopped up by jet trails, power lines, and blocked by incongruous buildings.   The earth is covered in concrete; black landscapes of parking lots with painted lines spotted with oil.  The music of creation is obscured by the drone of traffic and the constant mind numbing growl of man’s machines.  The night sky, the most glorious natural sight mankind has ever witnessed, is obscured by city lights.  It is easy for us to forget our Benefactor.  It is easy to forget someone when we are unfamiliar with His work.  Our bellies are full and our houses are safe but our souls are empty and in danger.   May God give us thankful hearts so that we may see the work of His hands.

The second reason to appreciate these words is the understanding of the relationship between proper worship of God as the Creator and the avoidance of sin.   When we perceive the natural world as hieroglyphics of the glory and majesty of God and our daily food as instances of His goodness and compassion, our minds will be occupied with thoughts of thankfulness and worship of God and we will be growing in our ability to fulfill the exhortation of the Apostle Paul…

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things   Philippians 4:8

3 thoughts on ““A Just Idea of the Creator”

  1. Pingback: The One Year Bible Reading Journey: Star Gazing « Idaho for God's Glory

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